Home of the Cat Whisperer aka Crazy Cat Lady
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Sunday Funnies
Solomon and I had some nice "outdoor time" today. It was a beautiful fall day so I got the Sunday paper to read on the front porch.
Solomon had fun hiding in the paper and pouncing on it.
His favorite thing was paper tents. He was invisible.
Solomon in Autumn
Solomon the porch monkey.
Me and Solomon ( a self portrait)
The yard.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Funny song!
Try this web site. It will give you something to sing about. www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/llama.php
Saturday, October 07, 2006
This is the Dixie Classic Fair in Winston-Salem. We got in that night for 5 cans of food each. Some chick sang too but we were there for the Jars of Clay. I don't know why my blog underlines everything. Somebody help me!
At first they sang a bunch on new song off the new CD including "Dead Man" (as in tired of the old man, in with a new plan. It was fun to watch the concert and have all the lights and the action in the background. Gregg got tired of staying in one place and he was able to get up close and get some good pics.
We had a great time the encore was the best part of the concert. My favorite song they played was "Nothing But the Blood"
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