We are beginning to see little eyes peeking out at us from amongst all the cream colored fur. All 3 of Myrrh's kittens have their eyes open. Lily's babies are just beginning to open theirs. The picture below shows all 9 kittens if you can tell where one ends and the next begins.

I can tell Myrrh's kittens apart now. Will is a whiner-he's pretty loud if you try to hold him, he is the smallest of this bunch. Cotton is whiter than her brothers and quiet and content. Sparrow is the biggest and has shown the 1st interest in exploring. He was trying to play with Lily's ear today and batted at a shadow. He crawled all over my lap and met the dogs and some of the other cat's today.
One thing I've noticed with this many kittens is that they have no odor at all. Having raised lots of puppies, people will mention that they love the smell of puppies and of puppy breath. Kittens smell like nothing at all. Their moms keep them so clean its amazing.
It is such a treat to watch them grow and change, and watch the rest of the household adjust too. I'm so grateful that we have so many healthy, content critters in this house.
i can't wait to come home and squeeze them all!!!
So long as Carrie takes it easier on the kittens than she does on me!! Make sure she doesn't squeeze the life out of them!
no squeezing!!!!
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