How many cats can you fit in a box? There are eleven sisters, brothers, aunts and cousins in this one.

Lily decided to haver her kittens a little earlier than anticipated. She insisted on having them in the same box with Myrrh and her kittens. We tried separating them several times but she wouldn't have it, so we let them be.
Everybody seems pretty content. The kittens don't care where they eat lunch and the moms don't care who comes to dinner.
This picture is to show you the size difference between the kittens. The larger one is Myrrh's born Jan. 9. The smaller is Lily's born Jan. 18.

Sheba is Grandma (Myrrh and Lily's mom) and birthing coach. She has been helpful with watching the kids and dispensing advice.

Solomon is Grandpa, Myrhh and Lily's dad. He could care less about the kittens and would rather not be in the house right now.
I am shocked that Solomon was not only inside but it looks like upstairs by the computer!!
We allow him in occasionally. :)
Solomon looks soooo much like Dylan - only slightly less chubby. :)
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