Stress! This is a venting post. Nobody has to listen. I just need to vent.
The job gets worse. More and more demanded of us with less staff. People have left and not been replaced. We have "No one" in charge of medical records, and they sure weren't trained very well. We all take turns doing this chore, which for us old people is hard on the old bones. I have never been in a doctor's office like this. Imagine with people pulling your charts and bringing you messages, on the wrong chart, don't belong to your Doctor, are useless messages and worse. And if they can't find the chart (about 20% of the time) the notes get thrown at us and we are supposed to scour the entire building for it.
We keep getting moved around and its very frustrating trying to keep up with a Dr. you don't know very well and trying to keep them happy and productive. Management does not have any medical training and makes decisions for financial reasons only. They are big on surveys that show how well we are doing and of course statistics mean nothing except that the form was filled out. And they just plain are not very nice. Most folks are really unhappy, I am continually reassured that its not "just me".
Now they are changing our insurance. We have our choice between a very expensive/annoying Blue Cross plan and Cigna. Well Cigna is dirt cheap and I'm sure the coverage will be comparable. Cigna is notoriously a difficult company to deal with and they don't pay their Doctor's very well so its hard to find one that takes Cigna. Its mind boggling to me to try to figure this $%^# stuff out (sorry for the French mom)! Coverage is next to impossible to pin down. I did find participating doctors, but can't find pharmacies or drug formularies. I spent 2 hours trying to figure this out. Of course the company was NO help at all "just go to the website". And we had to do this all on our own time. That really made me mad. Don't they know I have kitty litter to scoop?
Anyway, I have been looking for a job since I got here. I've had a few interviews and either no good responses, (one really good interview the Dr. developed leukemia and had to retire) or the jobs weren't satisfactory. It's amazing how many people want to hire slaves.
So I signed up for the cheap insurance and hope I find a better job before this comes back to bite me.
Things are better at home. The kitties are havin fun. Solomon continues to torment Mia. Maggie got spayed and seemed really sad at first but feels better now that her staples are out. (I took her staples out myself, I had a surgical staple remover left over from when Carrie was born. We had to clip and fish out a few as they were kinda small. Maggie is a very patient patient.) She has started this really cute thing of getting in the bed with me as soon as Gregg gets up to get his shower.
I do have a hard time getting up in the morning as I usually have a dog laying on me, a cat on my head and one or two cats on my feet.
Oh well, thats enough for now. Aren't you glad I don't have pics of all this joy?