Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Solomon in the rocker.

Myrrh & Lily in their new bed.

Sheba in the tunnel.

Myrrh, Lily and Sheba are currently hunting Valentines!
They prefer some one as handsome as young Solomon.
Sadly Solomon's lover boy days are over.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Grant's home

Well Grant came home for the weekend. Its nice to have him here.

We had snow Thursday so I didn't have to work. I have Friday's off so its been a long weekend. Its nice to have some time to putter around.

I got my reservations for the family reunion turned in so now I'm getting excited about that. We are warming up the Dutch Blitz and Uno cards. Even the cats are in the act.

In the interest of truth in blogging this is not my cat but one I downloaded off the internet. Looks like one of the family tho don't you think?

Here is another trying to help Grant with his computer problems-must be one he found hanging around campus.
Maybe we could send him over to help Jason with his hardware problems. I wonder how much it costs to ship a cat to Prague?