Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tenussey Heer We Come!

We wuz on the puter chekin the kitty blog en we fownd out big sistr Cawy wants us to com to Tennneessseee to her hous. So we gots sum stampses and maked a tickit en got in the snale male box. That mael guy shuld bee heer anee minit.
Duz big brudder Rien nose aboot dis? We shud be der in a cuppel of few times.


CATSLADY said...

Deese meezers look too liddle to go that fur to me! They need a bumbershoot, so's not to melt? I still LUV that "Blue" gal! My meezer wuz jest sweetur 'N purtier to me! An he LUVS me too!!!

(You are a "HOOT"! Still LUV seeing all these babies and your blurbs!.....Amanda)

Carrie said...

That's great! Send 'em over. I'm sorry you were so bored though.